weekend with the nephew
an answer to pray
the sweetness of my nephew saying "dear God" loudly at church when the pastor says "lets pray"
a great training session on my dream horse
watching my ornery old mare, who I've had for over 10 years, soften up and tenderly carry my nephew around the pasture
unexpected graduation gifts that provide the much needed, much prayed for money to put in savings
a "cool" evening that makes riding in Arkansas bearable
an expected knock on the door, "big brother" waking me up because "big sister" is coming to pick me up to run errands
realizing for the umpteenth time that I really have no control over my life
knowing with a shadow of doubt that He is in complete control of my life
the mystery of God's will
big decision, little decision, God cares about them all
prayer, the amazing tool of communication between lowly man and a Holy God
Sunday night dinner
my wonderful group of friends that are an amazing support group during the trials of life
long walks in the cool summer evenings
stars peeking through the trees reminding me just how small I am and how amazing it is that God can use me to make a difference
pizza party with some wonderful girls that God is going to use to change the world
tomato plants full of potential goodness
flower pots running over with pretty blooms
fun night with great friends
a text from a "little brother" that has been in prayers lately reminding me and deepening the need to keep praying for him
summer softball games
the much anticipation of a little boy who will show his sweet face any day now
air conditioning
The extremely exciting fact that my brother will be home in a week
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