Saturday, May 29, 2010

More to my gratitude list

21. text messages
22. teenage girls
23. good friends
24. strawberries
25. listening to Air1 while at work
26. a boss that lets me listen to Air1 while at work
27. Christian rock bands
28. a week of work behind me
29. the potential craft find that is free:)
30. sunglasses
31. a cheap vet bill
32. a very surprisingly cheap electric bill
33. unexpected graduation money
34. random get togethers with my two favorite married couples
35. the look on a 4 year old face when she sees me
36. memories made on a trampoline
37. watching children learn lessons you've been praying that they would learn
38. organic soy peanut butter'
39. watch kris eat her first pb&j sandwich in 8 years
40. God's amazing grace extended to me so that I might extend it to others

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