Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Dew in a desert

It's raining... the large drops of water hit the ground and the flowers and grass drink their full. Scorching heat has left them dry... begging for rain. He hears their cry and answers. The Almighty cares about His creation and He always provides... even for the smallest flower.

It has been dark lately... dark and dry. Words written long ago, in the back of a copy of His love letter reminds me
The freshest dew and the purest air are always found in the desert.
The sweetness of those words taste like honey and soothe my soul. He encourages even in the darkest times. He is a personal God, not some far off being sitting on His throne. He will not let me remain weary. If I reach out to Him, He will answer.

Words from a prophet of old speak wisdom and as the weeks go by the truth of his words can be seen in my life.
I know, O Lord, that a man's life is not his own, it is not for man to direct his steps.
Jeremiah 10:23
 He asks me if I'm willing to let Him direct the steps... even if the road ahead looks dreary. Will I set one dream aside so that another can be fulfilled? Will I take a leap of faith and follow Him on a journey that is full of uncertainties and at times extremely despairing and lonely? My love for Him is tested and He wants an answer. He seeks my undying devotion and a willingness to trust Him no matter how dark the road gets.

The storms roll in and turmoil erupts all around me. The unexpected happens and it feels like the enemy is winning... and maybe he is. Let him rejoice in is current victories because one day he will be finished. Soon he will forever be destroyed... I turn to the hope that He promises an eternal victory. There will be a day with no more tears, no more fears, and no more pain. The enemies victory will be for but a moment because the Almighty will win forever.

He sends another verse... one more to be hung on a wall to serve as a daily reminder that He is real, He answers those who call for help and that His voice is distinct.
"They will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you to rescue you and save you."
Jeremiah 15:20
The enemy will fight... will seek to destroy us all. He is not weak and he is relentless. He seeks to make us weary, to send us into confusion, anything that will lead us out of our Father's arms. When we reach our breaking point. When all we want to do is give up and stop fighting, that is when He steps in. He swoops in like a knight in shining armor to rescue his fair maiden from danger. He is the great Rescuer. The Lover who never stops loving. He picks us up and sets our feet on solid ground and slowly but surely begins to restore us.

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.
Psalm 147:3

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