Oh where to even begin!!
Well when I left work on Friday evening I had to rush home and do outside chores and pack. I also made time for a real quick shower and fixed some mac and cheese for us for dinner.
The plan was for M and P to leave their town at 6, pick me up at 6:30 and be on our way. The drive according to google map is about 6 hours to our destination. Well M didn't leave his place till 6 which means he didn't get P till 6:30 which means I didn't get picked up till closer to 7. Hmmmm.... already running late.
So we leave my place around 7ish and get on the road.
9 hours later....... we finally pull into our destination....lol. Oh yes there is quite a story behind that.
You see when I go on road trips usually I arrive sooner then the map says... not longer.
However P was in charge and not I. This is why about 15 min into the drive I realized that God must have wanted some seriously funny entertainment for the weekend.
Lets just put it this way:
3 sassy individuals + 1 truck + 6 (or more) hour trip + no map =
Don't get me wrong.... we had some serious fun.
The 2 hr drive to Memphis was considerably quiet. P was reading her book while I picked M's brain and made deals with him about the music... He wanted Creed... I wanted DCB* we compromised and started off with 2 Charlie Hall songs (since we were planning on seeing him Sat night... this info is important, more on that in a min), all of Creed's new cd followed by all of DCB* church music. ( i get the better deal(-:) then we tried to agree on some... ok so he most likely just gritted his teeth through the Beckah Shae cd. But in my defense I just don't think I could of gone all night without hearing Life... it really is the ultimate road trip song.
We get to Memphis and all is well. Then P announces it's time for a bathroom stop.... half an hour later we finally find a gas station that actually has one. Then the
Away we went and all was quiet.
Lol.... right.
Of course P was very excited that she was right and M, being male was not going to acknowledge that he had been wrong. And so began me being the parent telling P to be nice and stop bragging, while telling M to please just tell her she was right so that we could get some peace!!!
Ok so sometime around 12 or so we get to Florance, AL. M is following the signs for the hwy...P is still reading... I'm harassing M with all my nosy questions and my crazy choice of music. All of a sudden there is a fountain in front of us. I mean dead in front of us. We are headed straight for the front part of the University of North Alabama. Don't ask me how we got there. M just looks at me with a very questioning look. Yes, I did see the signs and I agree this is where they lead us.
So what did we do?? Well we parked the truck of course and went for a stroll around the campus!!!!
We saw this pretty fountain
and to our surprise we saw this
except it was dark and there were no lions out)-: Still I thought it was pretty cool that they had a lion exhibit.
A little bit later we got back in the truck and continued on our way.
The deal was to get up somewhat early... let P drive the car (that's what we were doing picking up her car from some friends who had fixed up an old car for her). The car was a stick and P had very little experience driving one (ah yes, that itself was a whole other adventure which we will not go into here). Leave around 10 so that we would have plenty of time to make it to the Charlie Hall concert.
Just FYI.... life never goes the way you plan.
So 10 comes and we are about to load up.... P goes out to start her car... which she just got back from driving around the block mind you. And.... it won't start.... it is dead. Long story short and an hour later its the alternator. So 2.5 hours later new alternator is in and we are finally pulling out of the driveway. P and I riding together with M following.
Oh and by the way... I, the brilliant one of the bunch, have in my hands a print out of the directions from Al to the concert.... I was not up for round 3 of the direction
Well it did not take us 9 hours to get home. We did in fact make it to the concert... just in time to hear the last three songs(-: Which were amazing by the way. And yes that means we made the drive in under 6 hours... just don't ask.
We did not leave poor M by himself the whole way. I did jump in his truck and took control of his stereo and ask him serious life questions. P and I of course spent our time talking (no radio in the old car) and came up with great solutions to all the worlds problems(-:
And that my sweet blogger friends is the end of the fantastical road trip adventure.
And yes.... M and I were just talking today about when we can take the next one.... however we will be planning the trip and not P (-: