Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The beauty of His word

 He is like the light at sunrise on a cloudless morning

Like the brightness after rain

That brings the grass from the earth

 2 Samuel 23:4


A little girl asking to pray before bed

More cuddles with Ben and watching him smile

The cuteness of a baby trying new foods

New flowers in old pots

Seeing the beauty of His hand while watching that magnificent youngster of mine prance around

A new job

The simple fact that He always provides, even when I fail to trust that He will

An understanding boss

The chance to pray with a hurting sister

Knowing that even in hard times He is still in control

Peace that comes only from above

Watching faith grow

Sisters in Christ who bare each others burdens

A sister willing to say the hard things that move my heart towards repentance

Encouraging words that seek to soothe deep wounds made by loved ones

A repenting heart

A broken spirit

The depth of His forgiveness

Never ending grace

Refreshing words straight from His lips

1 comment:

Amber Dawn said...

Thank you for your sweet comment Kat....I do think a hug would just solve so much sometimes...