Friday, November 12, 2010

Truths to remember

Days go by and struggles come,
sometimes I win, sometimes I lose. 
The flesh in me wants to do wrong, 
the Spirit says to do right.
I want to do right. I don't always succeed.

The problem is no matter how hard I try to justify it,
wrong is never right, and truth never lies.

I wrestle with my flesh, I want His peace.
I forget that peace never fights.
When will I learn to sit still in His peace
and let Him do the fighting.

I yearn for brokenness, 
and it comes in the form of tears.
The trouble is that tears, they dry.
I search for ways to earn my way back to Him, 
yet I somehow forget,
  that His grace is always free.

I am convinced that I have to earn His love,
and that it runs out.
But I don't, and it doesn't.
The beauty of my Savior is
that His love is free
and it never runs dry.

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