Saturday, April 10, 2010

Bitter sweet

Well I turned in my last research paper last night. I don't foresee this as my very last one though... just for this degree:) Who knows what God will have me do next. I am trying to stay clear of putting my foot in my mouth, lol, likes thats even possible.

There is now only one class that stands between me and my Master's!!!! I am so excited to be near the end. On one hand I am looking forward to school being done, and on the other hand I can't believe that I am almost completely done with school (for the foreseeable future that is). I am really going to miss it. I remember in high school that there was no looking back, I had no desire to stay there nor do I miss it at all. The feeling towards college and grad school is very different. These last 6 years have been wonderful. There have been many, many hard and trying times but I see how God has used them to make into the person I am today. I am so thankful that He has opened my eyes to see His hand on me even in the rough patches. I am so thankful for the joyful few weeks that I have had recently. God has been freeing me of so many things here lately, which makes me wonder what He has in store for me next:)

On a completely different note my baby brother leaves tomorrow evening for basic training. I can't wait to see the man he will be when he returns. Of course, as his big sister I am worried about him. It is going to be a hard few months for him and I from the stories I hear not at all enjoyable. I can't believe how grown up he has gotten. It is hard to imagine that he is old enough to be doing this. I have watched him grow up so much in the last few years and cannot wait to see what God has in store for him.

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